28 Oct Halcyon Series
Halcyon…a newly found word for me…its definition: denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.
What better word to describe the nostalgic happy memories of my idyllic childhood growing up in the Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico until I was 10 years old.
These early years influenced my work helping me to find colour and texture with every subject I paint. I’ve always had a flare for art and creativity from a very young age and it has always been hugely encouraged by my parents growing up.
The first image above is one of the first drawings I ever made of a Humming Bird I observed from our garden. My mother was fairly taken by the way I did a scribble to represent the movement of the rapid wing speed!! Low and behold, capturing movement has been a huge aspect to my work today.
The remaining photos above of me take me down memory lane in getting down our family albums in order to write this, halcyon indeed is the perfect descriptive word!
I hope you’ve found insight into my life interesting and how it’s transpired into my work. Art is such a personal thing. I think its nice to share the stories that go along with each piece. Please support where you can by sharing my newsletters with friends, family, colleagues and if you have time check out my Instagram posts.
Kindest Regards
Halcyon Series:
(121.92 x 121.92 cm)
The inspiration for this piece comes from the shallow, tropical seas and the colours of the coral sand.
The Ripple effect
(139.7 x 139.7 cm)
Again, sand is the inspiration and my fascination as to how such beautiful ripple forms are created from the waves…there is perfection in nature. I remember as a child finding the dry rough coral sand too hot to walk on so getting to the waters edge was always a sprint!!
Skimming Stones
(139.7 x 139.7 cm)
Similar to ‘The Ripple Effect’ the inspiration stems from the shapes and forms created in the sand by the water’s movement. The warm sandy colours still come through despite me using a pale blue tint in the resin to give the impression of shallow sea. With the scale of the canvas being so substantial one might feel inclined to quite literally skim stones across the surface!!