09 Oct 100’s and 1000’s New Collection
During Lock down we all have had to adapt and find ways to keep sane. My studio/gallery was closed for 6 weeks and I took the opportunity to redirect my business, with the creativity and talent of Abby and Louise Davey in order to establish a social media platform, which has been very positive and productive and really a joy for ‘us’ to see this come together.
It drove me crazy not being able to paint as that’s what I live for… it was the longest spell out of action in my entire career. However, when I returned back to painting. I encountered further obstacles!! Buying materials was not possible as many of my suppliers had shut and most places that sold paint were out of stock. I did however, already have a good supply of certain paints I had previously bought with this anticipation in mind (with hindsight, I should have bought more!!). This allowed me to teach myself the art of acrylic and resin pouring and I created a new range I’ve titled 100’s and 1000’s. As the work tends to be very colourful and jolly, I liked the connotation of cake decoration. Throughout my career I’ve specialised in very large canvases so to go the complete opposite and produce virtual miniatures was new territory. And they also come with a much more affordable pricing structure. Anything from £150-£750. With this year being very difficult for more and more people and businesses this way I can offer a slice of Eckardt Art!! (pardon the cake pun). I’ve really enjoyed getting in touch with you all through these newsletters. I consider this my private network. All my work is displayed on my website which is priced at Gallery retail. However, I do have a margin of flexibility and I can offer an attractive discount to ‘my private network’. With government measures tightening up again I am maintaining my policy of invite only or via appointment to very small groups from the same household. I currently have a large exhibition displayed and it is my utter pleasure for it to be seen and a nice chance for a catchup. |